TSP #136 – Tutorial on Programming a Waveshare 7.5-Inch Multi-Color e-Paper Display & Info-Frame

In this episode Shahriar demonstrates the capabilities of a Waveshare 7.5-Inch tricolor e-Paper display. By combining the display with a Raspberry Pi Zero, the SPI interface of the mini-computer can be used to program and configure the e-Paper display using Python scripts. Furthermore, the Python script takes advantage of the available API of a few website to provide relevant information such as the current date, calendar, task list with due-dates as well as the current weather and weather forecast all in a clean user interface.

The complete Python code is presented and analyzed and the principle operation of the display is also presented. Do not forget to check Applied Science’s video on this topic as well:


Finally, the individual pixels are examined under the microscope while the screen undergoes a refresh which demonstrated how various colors are displayed.

The complete code can be downloaded here:


You can also buy the e-Paper display here:


Raspberry Pi Zero kit here:


If you are interested in using an ESP WiFi module with Arduino to interface with the e-Paper display, it can be found here:


You can chose any picture frame to complete the project. The Task Manager and Weather APIs can be found here:


Some inspiration for this project:


The Signal Path

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